On Saturday the the 28th of August 2010, we had our Netball prize giving. It happen at the AMI Auckland netball courts.
First of all we all met at school by 12.00 O'clock. Then we waited for Mrs Nua to arrive. After that we got change into our netball uniforms and got ready to go.
As we went up happily when our group name Pt England Crew 2 got called up for coming 1st (first) in our grade (c).
Then at the end we kind of celebrated if some Ice blocks, we got for free at the courts. But we still had some more celebrating to do!!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Jesse martin quiz!!
As part of our studies about ‘Mighty Teen Mariners’ our class is looking at the Multiple Intelligences. We used our interpersonal intelligence and we put together a little quiz for you. We are looking at Blooms Taxonomy also and have shown our understanding of what we have learnt by ‘Creating’ the quiz.
Why don’t you check it out because you might even learn something new from these questions. You can answer the questions in the comments box and we’ll let you know if you answered correctly.
Why don’t you check it out because you might even learn something new from these questions. You can answer the questions in the comments box and we’ll let you know if you answered correctly.
My Mihi
Every morning Ms T chooses one person to stand up and share there Mihi. Here is my mihi that I share in the Morning. Have a read!!
Katanga te ti ti
katanga te ka ka
katanga hoki ahau
Tiheiwa maori ora
He Mihi Whanui e tenei kia tatau katoa kia koe te rangatira e name
Tena koe moto mahi whakamoemiti ki to tatau matua i te rangi
Kia Koutou,
Kua hui mai nei ki tenei kura ki te mihimihi I nga whakaaro pai ka nui te koa mo to koutou kaha ki te haere mai ki te ako I nga mahi e pa ana ki tenei wanaga
No reira tena koutou tena koutou tena ra tatau katoa.
Monday, August 23, 2010

In this program has a group of young teenagers that particapate in group called Glee. Glee is all about loving music and putting on a show that makes you want to enjoy it.
When I first started watching 'Glee' I was so into it. I even started watching every episode.
One of my favourite song's that they performed on 'Glee' is when Rachael (Lea Michelle) and Jesse (Johnathan) first met and sang 'Hello' by Lionel Richie. I also like when Rachael (Lea Michelle) and her Mom sang 'Poker face' by Lady Gaga.
I'm sure if you watch 'Glee' you will love it and enjoy it as much as I do!!
'Spongebob Square pants'!!

Have you heard of Spongebob Square Pants?
'Spongebob Square Pants' is a yellow sponge cartoon charcter. He has a pet snail named 'Gary' and his friends are 'Sandy',' Sqiudward', 'Mr Krabs' and his one and olny best friend 'Patrick Star'. His favourite stuff to is going Jelly fishing and cooking kraby patties at the Krusty Krabs. Mr 'Square Pants' also lives in a Pine Apple under the sea which is called the 'Bikini Bottom'!!
Do you know how fossils are formed?

Dinosaurs lived on earth for 160 millons years ago. Suddenly all the Dinosaurs extinct 65 millons years ago. The bodies of some Dinosaurs were covered by sand and dirt, after they were extinct. The bones were hidden for millon's of years, water and minerals seep through the sand and slowly turned the bones into stones. Heavy wind and rain wash away part of the sand and dirt. Then part of the dinosaur can be seen. A scientist than finds the fossil of a Dinosaur and carefully, digs it out of the stone to take to a museum and study.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Awesome Immersion assemblies!!
At Point England School at the beginning of each term we have immersions assemblies. If you don't know what they are here's your time to find out.
Immersion assemblies are when teachers dress up and perform little skits to show us what our theme for the term is.
Some of the theme I still remember is when we were learning about "Food Glorious food" "Under water world" ,"Light Fantastic" ,"The Art in storytelling" ,"Around the world in 80 day's and "Up Up and away".
If I had to choose one of my favourite theme's it would have to be "Up up and away". I loved it because some of the teachers were acting like planes and one teacher was the flight attendant.
I'm sure if your school held immersion assemblies, you would love them as much as I do!!
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